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Everyone has the right to appeal for the protection of his her rights to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human rights. Constitution of Ukraine, Art. 55 The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human rights exercises parliamentary control over the observance of constitutional human and citizens’ rights and freedoms. Constitution of Ukraine, Art. 101 Law of Ukraine |
On the assignment of Nina Karpachova to the post of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human rights According to Art. 85 paragraph 17 of the Constitution of Ukraine the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine resolves to: Assign Nina Karpachova to the post of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human rights. President of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine O. MOROSKyiv, the 14th of April, 1998 |
“I, Nina Karpachova, on assuming the post of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human rights, solemnly swear to honestly and scrupulously protect human and citizens’ rights and freedoms, conscientiously perform my duties, honour the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine, and be governed by justice and personal conscience. I commit myself to act in an independent and unbiased manner, serving human and citizens’ interests”. The oath was administered on the 14th of April, 1998, |
Nina Karpachova, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Candidate of Science, Honorary lawyer of Ukraine (03.1997). She was born on the 12th of August, 1957. Education: Kyiv University named after Taras Schevtchenko, faculty of law (1979); the post-graduate course of the Academy of Social Sciences in Moscow (1991). People's deputy (parliamentarian) of Ukraine of the 13th convocation since April, 1994. She was nominated for election by her colleagues and elected as People's deputy from the Alushta one-mandate electoral district ¹ 28, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. From 1994 to 1998 held the position of the Deputy head of the Committee for human rights, national minorities and inter-national relations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Nina Karpachova has been actively taking up implementation of international standards in the field of human rights into national legislation. She is the author of four draft laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 13th convocation, in particular: “Adoption of children-orphans” (Chapter of the Marriage and Family Code of Ukraine); Chapter 35-A of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine (judicial procedure of the adoption of children-orphans); the Law of Ukraine "On the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights" the Law of Ukraine, establishing criminal liability for trafficking in human beings (Art. 1241 “Trafficking in human beings” of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). In 1995 – head of the Preparatory Committee for the First Parliamentary Hearings on the realization of UN Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women by Ukraine. On her initiative and with her direct participation the National Centre of the adoption of children-orphans was established in 1996 under the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. Nina Karpachova has been a head of a number of governmental and parliamentary delegations of Ukraine at international and European conferences on issues of human rights protection. She has been taking an active part in social and political activity in the field of human rights. From 1996 to 1998 Nina Karpachova held the post of the Vice-President of the World Congress of Ukrainian Lawyers. On the 14th of April, 1998, Nina Karpachova was elected as the first Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights by secret ballot (she received support of 276 people’s deputies). Since 1998 she has been member of the European Ombudsman Institute, since 2000 – member of the International Ombudsman Institute. Nina Karpachova is initiator of the fight against trans-national trafficking in human beings: since 1999 she has been heading the National Coordination Council for the prevention of trafficking in human beings in Ukraine. | |
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