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Ms Nina Karpacheva

Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner

For Human Rights

Vul Institutskaya 21/8

Kyiv 01008

Ukraine                                                                                                   16 April 2009

Dear Ms Karpacheva

Thank you for your letter and expression of condolences for the victims of the recent bushfires in Australia. We appreciate the concern expressed by people from all around the globe about this tragedy.

Ambassador Margaret Twomey, the Australian Ambassador resident in Moscow, has passed to me your letter. On 2 April 2009,I was accredited Australian Ambassador to Ukraine and will now be responsible to manage the bilateral relationship out of Vienna. I am looking forward to this challenging experience.

I will strive to pursue positive and fruitful relations between our two countries, and hope to be in touch with you and your colleagues in the near future.

Yours sincerely