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  State of observance and protection of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine

First Annual Report of the Commissioner for Human Rights is dedicated to the sons and daughters of Ukraine, 
who sacrificially struggled for everyone's right to be a human being on his/her land.


I. The historical and legal aspects of evolvement of human rights in the world and in Ukraine

1. The genesis of human rights
2. Establishment of the Ombudsman Institution in the World
3. The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights – the Ukrainian Model of Ombudsman

II. How the Commissioner for human rights exercises parliamentary control to bring Ukraine’s legislation into conformity with international human rights standards

1. International Standards of Human Rights in Ukraine’s Legal System
2. How the Commissioner Monitors the Drafting of Human Rights Reports to International Convention Bodies

III. Securing constitutional right to appeal to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

1. Peculiarities of the consideration of appeals to the Commissioner for Human Rights
2. Consideration by the Commissioner of appeals by Members of Parliament of Ukraine
3. Exercising the right to appeal to the Commissioner by aliens and stateless persons

IV. Civil and personal rights in Ukraine: the status of legislative security and exercise

1. Human right to life
2. Right to citizenship. Freedom of movement
3. The right of citizens to judicial protection, fair, impartial trial and legal aid
4. Right of inviolability of the person, respect for dignity and freedom from torture
5. Human rights compliance in places of confinement
6. Prevention of modern forms of slavery and slave trade
7. Protection of the rights of Ukrainian citizens abroad

V. Political rights and freedoms: issues of compliance and protection

1. Constitutional electoral rights of the Ukrainian citizens 
2. Right to information. Freedom of speech, thought, and opinion
3. Right of Ukrainian citizens to freedom of belief and religion 
4. Right to appeal to bodies of state authority, bodies of local self-government, their officials and officers

VI. Economic, social and cultural rights

1. Right to work 
2. Right to entrepreneurial activity. Protection of consumer’s rights
3. Right to education 
4. Right to health care and medical protection 
5. Right to an environment that is safe for the life and health of people 
6. Right to an adequate standard of living, social protection and freedom from want 
7. Protection of the rights of the disabled 
8. Protection of the rights of the Chornobyl disaster victims



Dear compatriots!

The establishment of long-awaited human rights institution of the Commissioner for Human Rights, whereto every person can appeal for the protection of his/her violated rights and wherein his/her appeals will be considered with a particular attention and desire to renew the violated rights, has launched changes in moral, psychological and legal climate of Ukraine. Henceforth an ordinary man will no longer feel alone while defending his/her rights, being convinced there is someone to share his/her pain and to whom he/she can complaint against a nonchalant official.

During a short period of its existence the institution has had to assert the rights of Chernobyl disaster victims, coal-miners, children-orphans, war veterans, disabled persons, pensioners, prisoners, to save our sailors taken hostages abroad and to liberate Ukrainian women sold to slavery.

You are holding in your hands a unique by its significance and contents document – the Report of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights “On state of observation and protection of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine”. It contains detailed information about historical genesis of human rights on the Ukrainian territories, defines the place and role of the Commissioner in the national system of human rights protection as well as presents the results of a complex research of the state of compliance of civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights with the Constitution of Ukraine, legislation of Ukraine in force and international human rights standards.

The Report is a generalized act of response to mass violations of human rights, revealed by the Commissioner. It contains conclusions and recommendations related to the improvement of the legislation in force and the practice of its application with a view to safeguard human rights and freedoms in Ukraine.

I do hope that the Report of the Commissioner will give a new impetus to efficient actions of the representatives of all branches of power, mass media and the public in affirming principles of the rule of law and the respect for human rights in our country. The mentioned facts and conclusions should considerably influence legal conscience and public spirit, awaken the conscience of the nation.

With faith and hope for everyone who is not indifferent to human rights,

Nina Karpachova

Ти знаєш, що ти Людина?
Ти знаєш про це чи ні?
Усмішка твоя – єдина,
Мука твоя – єдина,
Очі твої – одні.
Більше тебе не буде...
Завтра на цій землі
Інші ходитимуть люди,
Інші кохатимуть люди –
Добрі, ласкаві й злі.

Сьогодні усе для тебе –
Озера, гаї, степи.
І жити спішити треба,
Кохати спішити треба –
Гляди ж не проспи!
Бо ти на землі – Людина,
І хочеш того чи ні –
Усмішка твоя єдина,
Мука твоя – єдина,
Очі твої – одні.

Василь Симоненко


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