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You have read the first Annual Report of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights “On the situation with observance and protection of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine” for the period from April 14, 1998 till December 31, 1999, prepared on the basis of the Commissioner’s activities.

Conclusions and recommendations with regard to the observance of certain categories of rights aimed at improving the general situation with the protection of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine are included in all paragraphs of the Report. During the work over this Report, the information of the governmental institutions, of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, results of scientific research, mass media and NGO’s information has been used.

Analysis made by the Commissioner gives enough grounds to state that despite democratic legislation in the sphere of human rights available in Ukraine, under the conditions of social and economic crisis, decline of a general level of culture and moral in Ukraine, the efficient mechanisms to protect human rights are non-existent what leads to massive and regular violations of human rights and freedoms, and sometimes makes their realization impossible. The situation is worsened due to poverty, which is a violation of human rights as well.

The Report is called to influence the spirit of the society, break the wall of indifference and disrespect to human rights and dignity, lay a certain foundation for the formation of a new legal consciousness among both the representatives of bodies of state power and local self-government, and the citizens in accordance with the international standards in the sphere of human rights.


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