I. Migration from Ukraine for Employment within the Context of Global Migration Processes
1. Main Causes of Migration for Employment
2. Analysis of Statistical Data on Ukrainian Citizens Departing Abroad
3. Global Problem of Migration of Highly Skilled Labor and the Brain Drain from
4. Financial and Political Consequences of Migration of Labor from Ukraine
5. Impact of Migration Processes on the Demographic Situation in the World and in Ukraine
6. The Legal Status of Ukrainian Migrant Workers and the Status of Observance of their Rights and
7. The Problems of Return and Deportation of Ukrainian Migrant Workers to their Homeland
²I. Status of Observance of Ukrainian Migrant Workers' Rights in the Receiving Countries
1. Russian Federation
2. Republic of Poland
3. Turkey
4. Other Central and Eastern European Countries
5. European Union Members Countries
6. Other Countries
III. Status of Observance and Protection of the Rights of Specific Categories of Ukrainian Citizens Abroad
1. Safeguarding the Rights of Ukrainian Seafarers Abroad
2. Observance of the Rights of Ukrainian Citizens Deprived of Liberty Abroad
3. Observance of Human Rights in Case of Death or Burial of Ukrainian Citizens Abroad
4. Pension Provision of Ukrainian Citizens Abroad
²V. Problems of Migration for Employment as Viewed from the Regions
Opinions and Recommendations